..... thanx for being so patient and dealing with my inablity to update my web-site ...... but you can always access the website of damien valette my agent and he has all my dates ...... his website is www.jgdv.net ......
upcoming events ...... i'm taking a bit of a break (did tooo much last year ) ...... but 'walking next to our shoes ...... ' is touring a lot this year , next big tour is in the fall ......
'daddy.....' has made a comeback with original cast except we have thulanizwane in place of niko moremi ...... it can be seen in various places this year , including back to paris at la villette (check damien for dates ).....
'although i live inside ......' also is still touring belgium, tunisia and hamburg .......
'call it , kissed by the sun is also doing some touring this year ....... strasbourg and sweden ....... sooooo just check with damien for all dates .......
ruby sunshine continues to be my leading lady and will accompany me and oliver to cannes this year , where oliver's movie is in 'un certain regarde' ....... and called 'life above all else ' ...... he goes for shorter titles than me .......
my next new piece will happen in fall 2011 ..... and i will be busy reworking 'still life .....' with 'via katlehong' in fall of this year .....
.... and please take a look of the guard's movies from 'babysitting petit louis ..... ' , it was a very interesting project and now the guards of the museum have formed a performance group and i'm waiting for their project to happen ..... will keep everyone posted ...... !!!!!!!
i have a few other projects on the back burner ..... but thats my main news .......!!!!!!!!!
robyn / berlin /may/2010